Five years ago I was a web designer. Ever since I started Coffee Ritual, the café, I have no idea how the web has evolved. The website introduced to me earlier by the gentleman is a blog. I have never seen a blog before. Having read about it in the newspaper now and then, but never actually seen one. I was immediately hooked. It is a blog about coffee in Malaysia. I spent my next few days reading every single posts and comments on the blog. It is a whole new world to me, very different from the BBS or Forum I knew. In a blog, there is this host, the blogger, who is really passionate about the subject written on his blog. I can feel the emotion, tears and joys of the blogger. The ideas, experiences, thoughts and knowledge are shared and discussed among the readers and the blogger in the comments after each post. It is a wonderful way to interact.
After some serious thought and research, an urge to create my own blog slowly developed over the last two months and this really got me very excited. I have so much that I wanted to share. Oh yes, this is it, this is the platform I will ride on to reach out to the world.
Finally, ladies and gentlemen, please welcome, Coffee Ritual, the blog.
Before I end this post, I would like to thank Kfchan of Coffee in Malaysia for introducing his blog to me that very fine day. I salute your contributions to all the coffee lovers in Malaysia. Thanks again.
4 Responses to “Prelude”
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Welcome to the world of Coffee blogging :)
July 2, 2009 at 2:48 AMPurposely choose to start on the 1st of July issit?
Can wait to see your post on all things coffee.
No, not intentionally. Just could not wait to be born. It was stored as a draft for almost one whole month. Cannot ‘tahan' already.
July 2, 2009 at 12:08 PMBlog is a good way to share our coffee experiences with the world and it is definitely more personal than a simple site.
August 7, 2009 at 9:33 AMBy the way, KF & I will be competing in the barista competition organized by FHM next week. If you got time to drop by, come over & support us.
I will be there, who can miss an event like this. See you both at FHM next week.
August 7, 2009 at 10:27 AMPost a Comment